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photo susan 1

Meet our customer: Dr Susan Burke

For our 30th anniversary, we want to highlight those who are the most important to us; our customers. First out in the series “Meet our customer” is Dr. Susan Burke from Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Louisiana.

Susan Burke is Assistant Professor at Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Louisiana and has been a Mercodia customer for five years. She found the company at a conference.

“Mercodia has a small company vibe that makes you feel like you (the scientist) are important to them. Making connections with people like Carissa (Carissa Jones, President, Mercodia Inc) is important for us as scientists. It gives us a sense of trust in the products and the company.

The assays are reliable, and the customer service is outstanding. The main Mercodia products we use are Insulin and Glucagon ELISAs. Our work involves understanding the alterations in the islet that occur in both forms of diabetes, therefore having reliable products to measure these hormones is crucial for us. “

Would you recommend Mercodia products/services to others?

“Yes, I would and I have. The reliability of products and the customer service are my main causes for a recommendation.”

Thank you, Dr. Burke, for your kind words and your business. We hope you will stay with us for many more years!

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Robert Almstedt

Area Sales Manager Denmark, Iceland, Norway and Sweden

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