Welcome to a new Mercodia Webinar where Professor Fredrik Bäckhed from Gothenburg University will discuss the influence of the gut microbiota in type 2 diabetes.
We are proud to present Professor Fredrik Bäckhed as the speaker of our next Mercodia Webinar!
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Mercodia Webinar: The Gut Microbiota in Diabetes
During the webinar, Professor Bäckhed will discuss the influence of the gut microbiota in type 2 diabetes. The microbial ecosystem, microbiota, of the human gut consists of trillions of bacteria and recent data have demonstrated that an altered gut microbiota can be associated with a number of diseases, ranging from obesity and inflammatory diseases to behavioral abnormalities. Here, a study where the microbiota of individuals with prediabetes and screen-detected type 2 diabetes was assessed is presented.
There is extensive microbiota-host cross talk that generates signals to extraintestinal organs and it is becoming more evident that a miss-configured microbiota may produce signals that contribute to metabolic diseases. Exploring how microbially produced metabolites contribute to disease may provide foundations for novel treatment strategies based on the microbiota.
Professor Fredrik Bäckhed combines clinical oriented research with gnotobiotic mouse models to address the role of the normal gut microbiota in cardiometabolic diseases. He holds a PhD from Karolinska Institute, Sweden in 2002 and performed his postdoctoral training at Washington University, St Louis where he identified the gut microbiota as an environmental factor that regulates adiposity and obesity. Fredrik is a professor at the University of Gothenburg and is also appointed Professor at the University of Copenhagen. He has been guest Professor at University of Oslo and recently did a sabbatical at University of Hawaii.